The 3 Best Online Slots

South Park Video SlotHey there! I’m happy to say that I’ve finally written my first real article for my slots magazine! Pretty amazing, huh? I actually thought pretty hard about what subject would interest people – best cartoon-themed slots, best bonuses when playing for slots, best bonus games, best jackpots… But then I realized that maybe those would be a bit too specific for a first article, you know? A magazine’s first list should be a bit more broad and give information about the intents and tastes of its writer and editor, right? That’s why I decided to start from the top and just give you my top 3 best online slots ever! Now, sure, there’s plenty of sites out there, such as, which give you some pretty solid and detailed information about what the best online slots are, but I thought I’d give you my own two cents. So, without further ado, let’s get into my list! Keep in mind that it’s in no particular order, these are just the three slots that I really love.

1. South Park

I already spoke about how much I adore this slot, but I can always say it again! “South Park” is GREAT! NetEnt are probably the masters of the slot genre (by a narrow margin, but still), and “South Park” is definitely among their finest creations. Not only does it stick to the spirit of the show, with its political and social satire (the slot is essentially one huge parody of gambling, which is actually pretty brave), but it also pays a lot of respect to its source material by referencing characters and events from it all without using a single clip like so many other licensed slots do. And on top of that, it’s also got some really amazing bonus games inspired by episodes on the show which are actually really fun to play and provide a decent challenge!

2. The Avengers

“The Avengers” is currently the highest-grossing superhero movie of all time (though I have a feeling that might change soon enough, either with “Captain America: Civil War” or with “Avengers: Infinity War”), and considering the fact that Playtech already had a deal with Marvel to produce slots based on their properties, it was a no-brainer that we’d see a slot version of Earth’s mightiest heroes soon enough. Though what was surprising was that it also turned out to be one of the best slots ever! With some AWESOME music and visuals, and also 4 completely different bonus games and features (more than that if you count the game where you pick your bonus and also the smaller features), “The Avengers” is most definitely a sight to behold! It is SO much fun to play!

3. Thunderstruck II

Influenced by the upcoming release of the first “Thor” movie, Microgaming decided to release a sequel to their kinda-good-but-not-really-all-that-special Norse mythology-inspired slot Thunderstruck, and I have to say that the update is stunning! Four bonus games that you can pick from depending on how much you progress through it, awesome bonus features that are guaranteed to give you huge winnings (I don’t generally do all that well in bonus rounds, and even I won quite a lot in Thunderstruck II) and some really awesome art that gives almost any other slot a run for its money! While its bonus games aren’t particularly entertaining (especially when compared to the other two slots on this list), the slot overall is so good that I can easily overlook this!
